You will be billed on a monthly basis for a period of 4 months starting the day you have signed up, which is 22nd of every month, starting 22-01-2025 to 22-05-2025
One Payment of
$240 USD
Per Semester
You will save 20% by signing up for the full semester plan (which is 4 month long). You will be billed once, per semester
SAVE 20%
Members only mobile App where you can:
watch lessons, send audio submissions and
receive personalized feedback
Start off with an initial placement submission
and get placed in a suitable level
Weekly Videos Lessons and Reading Circles with
Imam Wisam & TA's
Weekly dedicated office hours
for you to drop in and ask any question or simply
get live feedback on your recitation
Our responsive support staff are on standby to
help you at any point